Guru Is Your True Self!

Guru Is Your True Self!

(37:57) Most spiritual seekers believe that Guru is a person. Since you imagine yourself to be ‘someone’, you can only project a ‘person’ on the Guru. Truly, the essence of the Guru is the Supreme Unique Reality without-a-second that manifests Itself as the Universe, as your phenomenal form and as the form of the Guru.
Meeting the Guru is unbelievable Grace. Surrender is needed, but surrender is not the culmination of this relationship. It is the very beginning. Guru will remove the sense of ‘I-ness’ and even the status of ‘discipleship’.
The ‘outer Guru’ is only the projection of the ‘inner Guru’, and there is no duality between them. Guru does not transmit anything. The role of His/Her manifestation is for you to recognize what is already here and totally present.
Love of the Guru is unconditional. It does not depend on the behavior of the disciple. In that Love there is no desire, no expectation, no interest. For the Guru there is no ‘relationship’ either. There are no ‘two’. There is only one non-dual Presence. Now it is up to the disciple to awake to this great mystery. When the disciple awakes, the form of the Guru dissolves in the Formless. And there is Oneness beyond words.

Swami Atmananda Udasin is a teacher of Advaita (Non-duality) and the Spiritual Head of Ajatananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India. This video is an extract from a retreat given at the ashram on October 24, 2018.


Swami Atmananda Udasin

These Satsangs are coordinated by the Ashram Team and ‘Les Amis d’Ajatananda Ashram’, in partnership with Eveil Conscience, and will take place in French, with simultaneous translation into English. You will therefore be able to listen and see Swamiji in full screen and follow his teaching which will be based on a text from the Advaita tradition and followed, as in every Satsang, by a question and answer session.

Please note! In order to participate, your registration is mandatory. Please click on the ‘Register Here’ button below the description of the event to access the registration form.

To support the teaching of Swamiji and the Ajatananda Ashram, we will maintain the principle of conscious donation. If you wish to do so, you will be able to make your donation at the time of your registration.

The Zoom link, guidelines for the meeting and the text that will be commented on by Swamiji will be sent to you the day before the event. We suggest you either print the text or display it on an additional device during the Satsangs.

We invite you to keep your camera on and display your first and last name as your username for the duration of each Satsang as a sign of your full participation. Please kindly read our Additional Guidelines here.

If it is impossible for you to attend any of these Satsangs due to your professional obligations or time zone differences, please feel free to to contact us by following this link. We will do our best to offer you an alternative option.


These online Satsangs are coordinated by the Ashram Team and ‘Les Amis d’Ajatananda Ashram’, and will take place in English, with simultaneous translation into French. You will therefore be able to listen and see Swamiji in full screen and follow his teaching which will be based on a text from the Advaita tradition and followed, as in every Satsang, by a question and answer session.

Please note! In order to participate, your registration is mandatory. Please click on the ‘Register Here’ button below the description of the event to access the registration form.

To support the teaching of Swamiji and the Ajatananda Ashram, we will maintain the principle of conscious donation. If you wish to do so, you will be able to make your donation at the time of your registration.

The Zoom link, guidelines for the meeting and the text that will be commented on by Swamiji will be sent to you the day before the event. We suggest you either print the text or display it on an additional device during the Satsangs.

We invite you to keep your camera on and display your first and last name as your username for the duration of each Satsang as a sign of your full participation. Please kindly read our Additional Guidelines here.

If it is impossible for you to attend any of these Satsangs due to your professional obligations or time zone differences, please feel free to contact us by following this link. We will do our best to offer you an alternative option.


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